Doing it for the girls

June 25, 2020 BY

THE Queenscliff Football and Netball Club (QFNC) have secured a community grant to encourage more women to participate in sport, and undertake leadership roles within the club.
President Rowan Martin said the $6,700 they received would go towards making the club even more inclusive by appealing to a diverse range of people.
“We signed up to the Barwon Game Changer program to increase the participation of women on and off the court and in leadership and decision making positions within our club.
“We believe that helps build a positive culture and results in a greater number of players, coaches and volunteers contributing to our club.”
QFNC is one of 37 community sporting organisations across the state set to benefit from the second round of the Victorian Government’s 2019-20 Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program.
Mr Martin said having tried unsuccessfully once before, they were excited to be able to help build skills in women and girls, and encourage and support them to take on leadership and decision making roles within the club.
“We will provide women in the club the opportunity to participate in a leadership course, the course includes budgeting and skills you need to be a decision-maker.
“We will have a Change Our Game women’s round next year, where we’ll do a range of activities to showcase the participation and contribution of women in the club but also to highlight the pathways and opportunities available.”
For QFNC committee member and newly appointed wellbeing officer, Michelle Conlan said the grant is a reflection of the efforts they’ve already achieved.
“We have more than 50 per cent representation of women on our committee, we signed on to the Barwon Game Changer program, held a meeting to talk about gender equality and brainstorm ideas we could take back to the club.
“We developed a wellbeing plan and put together a wellbeing team to support all club members and developed a strategic plan that incorporates a commitment to providing opportunities for women and girls.”
Bellarine MP Lisa Neville welcomed the announcement, and congratulated QFNC for its successful bid.
“Community sport and recreation clubs play such an important role in uniting our community and driving positive social change, Ms Neville said.
“I congratulate the Queenscliff Football and Netball Club led by President Rowan Martin in securing this funding.
“The Change Our Game initiative is providing opportunities for women and girls throughout the Bellarine to participate and lead in all levels of sport and recreation.”