Early start for Lara swimmers

Greater Geelong councillors Kylie Grzybek and Anthony Aitken are excited to welcome the community back to Lara Aquatic Centre a month earlier than usual this year.
DAYLIGHT savings has started and Lara Aquatic Centre has reopened a month early this year, providing up to 40 people at a time to enjoy getting back into the pool.
The centre usually opens from November to March each year but an extra funding boost in the City of Greater Geelong budget has allowed the pool to open from October to March this swim season.
Deputy Mayor Trent Sullivan said he expected after the disruptions experienced over the past 18 months, the additional month of operation at the Lara Aquatic Centre would be welcome news for local residents.
Lara resident Cr Kylie Grzybek said the Lara pool was an important asset for the local community.
“With the added health and wellbeing benefits, it was an easy decision for Council to invest in opening the Lara pool up a month early.”
Lara Aquatic Centre is currently limited to 40 people, in line with current COVID-19 restrictions, opening 6am to 6pm weekdays and 10am to 5pm on weekends.
The Kardinia Aquatic Centre has also been open during the traditional “off season” from May to September.
Extending the season at both outdoor facilities was in response to increased demand from community members, significant disruptions due to COVID-19 restrictions and redevelopment works underway at Leisurelink Aquatic and Recreation Centre.
Residents and existing Swim Sport & Leisure members will be able to purchase casual passes to the Lara Aquatic Centre.
Swim Sport & Leisure memberships, including Webstar’s Swim School, remain on hold until capacity limits ease further.
Bookings are essential and can be made by calling the centre on 03 5282 1563 or online at https://membership.geelongaustralia.com.au/booking