Election ballot packs to be sent next week

October 1, 2020 BY

Votes must be received by the VEC before 6pm on October 23.

THE 2020 council elections have begun, and voters in the City of Greater Geelong, the Surf Coast Shire and the Borough of Queenscliffe can expect to start receiving their ballot packs from Tuesday,
October 6.
The pack, sent by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) to enrolled voters for the postal election, will include:

  • A ballot paper attached to statements and photographs lodged by the candidates in your council or ward
  • A ballot paper envelope with a flap
  • Voting instructions, and
  • A reply-paid envelope.

Voters must follow the instructions on the ballot pack and make sure their completed vote is in the mail or hand-delivered to their election office before 6pm on October 23.
Local mail clearance times vary. Check your local mail clearance times so your vote is in the mail on time.
If you do not vote, you may be fined.
It is no longer optional for people aged 70 or over to vote, following changes to the law for the 2020 local council elections.
If you care for a person who is incapable of understanding the nature and significance of voting, head to vec.vic.gov.au/enrolment/remove-someone-from-the-roll.
You are able to request to have your ballot pack sent to a different address if you will be away when ballot packs are mailed (after Tuesday, October 6) or if your mailing address will change after the close of rolls (August 28).
For more information about the 2020 council elections, head to vec.vic.gov.au/voting/2020-local-council-election.