Enhancing Highton Village

An artist impression of proposed streetscaping in Belle Vue Avenue included in the proposed Highton Urban Design Framework Plan .
A PROPOSED plan to revitalise the Highton Village includes streetscaping, traffic and pedestrian safety improvements, and guidelines for new commercial and residential development.
The City of Greater Geelong has developed the Highton Urban Design Framework Plan in consultation with traders and residents, and it is now asking for further community feedback.
Encouraging the public to comment on the Highton UDFP before August 30, the council has explained that the village is thriving; and with this success, comes challenges and opportunities for improvements.
The city says it has been “many years” since the Highton Village streetscapes were upgraded, parking and access can be difficult at times and the overall design of the infrastructure gives preference to cars over walkers and cyclists, which can be unsafe.
The framework covers the shopping area of Belle Vue Avenue and the surrounding residential area which is identified for increased housing.
The shopping centre currently has 7,000 square metres of floor space and the Geelong Retail Strategy identifies the need for an additional 1,000sqm of floorspace in the Highton Village by 2031 to meet the shopping needs of the community.
This UDF identifies how this additional floorspace could be provided in the shopping centre, recommends high quality, mixed-use development up to four storeys.
Long-term projects include the redevelopment of the council car park for mixed-use development and car parking.
The relocation of the supermarket loading bay to the west side of the store and creating a link road between Barrabool Road to Roslyn Road is recommended to address traffic issues.
Concept designs of streetscape upgrades in the Barrabool Road service lane, Village Walk, Belle Vue Arcade and rear laneway aim to emphasise pedestrian routes and create a similar appearance through the village.
The interim final Highton UDF also includes a community vision that the Village “is the heart of the community with a unique, vibrant, leafy feel”.
Visit the city’s website to view the full vision and plan, and learn more about making a submission.
The council is expected to consider endorsing the framework plan in October and if endorsed, work will start next year on the Belle Vue Avenue streetscape and laneway upgrades.