Exposure sites, September 28, 11am

September 28, 2021 BY

The Barwon South West Public Health Unit has COVID-19 testing sites set up across the Geelong region. Photo: BARWON HEALTH

PUBLIC exposure sites to COVID-19 have been added in Geelong, Geelong West and Herne Hill.

They are:

September 23

Australian Clinical Labs, Little Ryrie Street, Geelong, 8.30-9am (Tier 2 – Get tested for COVID-19 urgently and isolate until you receive a negative result)

Geelong Ultrasound for Women, Little Ryrie Street Geelong, 9.10-10.15am (Tier 1 – Get tested for COVID-19 immediately and isolate for 14 days, regardless of the result)

September 21

Coles, Shannon Avenue, Geelong West, 9.20-10.20pm (Tier 2 – Get tested for COVID-19 urgently and isolate until you receive a negative result)

September 20

Bottlemart, Herne Hill, 5.45-6.30pm (Tier 1 – Get tested for COVID-19 immediately and isolate for 14 days, regardless of the result).

For a list of testing locations and operating hours in the Geelong region, head to barwonhealth.org.au/coronavirus/where-to-get-tested

The Department of Health has a full list of public exposure sites on its website at coronavirus.vic.gov.au/case-alerts-public-exposure-sites