Exposure sites update – October 25

October 25, 2021 BY

Anyone who visited an exposure site is urged to get tested and follow health advice.

NEW COVID-19 exposure sites at Torquay, Drysdale and Geelong have been added to the list, including Geelong Magistrates’ Court.

9grams Torquay was an exposure site on October 20, 1pm to 2.30pm, for anyone who dined inside and staff.

Anyone who entered Goodstart Early Learning Drysdale on October 18 between 6.13am and 3.45pm is considered a Tier 1 close contact.

The Geelong Magistrates’ Court jury pool room on October 19, 8.50am to 12.30pm, is considered a Tier 1 site, while anyone visiting other areas of the court during that time should monitor symptoms and get tested if symptomatic.

Caffiza, North Geelong on October 18, 5.30pm to 7.15pm, was a Tier 1 site for wait staff and anyone who dined inside, while anyone buying takeaway should get tested.

Malt and Shovel Taphouse, Geelong, was a Tier 1 site on October 16, 5pm to 7pm, for all wait staff and indoor diners.

For a list of testing locations and operating hours in the Geelong region, head to barwonhealth.org.au/coronavirus/where-to-get-tested

The Department of Health has a full list of public exposure sites on its website at coronavirus.vic.gov.au/case-alerts-public-exposure-sites