Feedback opens on next stage of Barwon Heads Road duplication

July 9, 2020 BY

An artist’s impression of the new bridge on the duplicated Barwon Heads Road.

THE state government is calling for public feedback on the latest stage of its plan to duplicate Barwon Heads Road in the next three years.

A Planning Scheme Amendment is needed to obtain the required planning approvals to acquire the extra land needed to build this project.

The $318 million Barwon Heads Road duplication project extends four kilometres from Settlement Road in Belmont to Reserve Road in Marshall.

The upgrade also includes:

  • Building a bridge over the railway line at Marshall, removing the level crossing
  • Upgraded intersections, and
  • The installation of new street lighting, road signage, drainage and landscaping.

Once complete, the duplicated road – which runs along the eastern side of the Armstrong Creek growth area – will have the capacity to cater for 33,000 daily vehicle journeys by 2031.

The duplication is also expected to give safer and easier access to Barwon Heads Road and connecting side roads, improve traffic flow, and make it easier and safer to walk or cycle in the area.

Speaking at last week’s opening of the Drysdale Bypass, Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan said the Barwon Heads Road duplication was a 2018 election commitment by Labor.

“With that planning work and the planning scheme amendment process that’s kickstarted, it means we’re on track to deliver this project by 2023.”

For more information on the planning scheme amendment, head to Feedback closes on July 26.