Feedback considered on next Green Spine works

May 2, 2022 BY

Block 3 will run between Yarra and Bellarine streets. Photo: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, LAND, WATER AND PLANNING

THE Revitalising Central Geelong team is considering feedback on the next four stages of the Green Spine project.

Ultimately running along Malop Street from Johnstone Park to Eastern Park, one block of the six-block project in the city’s CBD is complete and another block is half-finished.

Construction on Block 3 (Yarra Street to Bellarine Street) will begin in late 2022 and stretch into 2023, and Revitalising Central Geelong (part of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning) has been running online surveys for people to examine the designs and make comment.

Surveys closed in late March.

“Your input will ensure local needs, interests and values are reflected as we develop detailed designs,” Revitalising Central Geelong wrote in a recent post on its Facebook page.

“Stay tuned for updates on the final designs ahead of construction starting on Block 3 later this year.”

Block 3 from Yarra Street to Bellerine Street will seamlessly connect with previously completed blocks, balanced between vehicles and active transport, with single lanes in each direction for cars and separated lanes for cyclists improving safety.

It will see the continuation of the botanic walk along both the north and south sides of Malop Street complemented by native vegetation and planting, separated bike lanes for improved cyclist safety, and rehabilitation of the road consistent with Block 2.

The concept designs for Blocks 4 to 6 aim to enhance the street environment as Malop Street transitions from retail to residential.

The design elements will flow from Blocks 1-3, with the continuation of the botanic walk along the south side of Malop Street only, including native vegetation and planting.

The north side will feature a more traditional streetscape and will continue the avenue of trees established in Block 3.

As these blocks transition to residential properties, the design will extend the neighbourhood character feel with car parking on both sides of the street for the health precinct and residents and improved pedestrian linkages with Little Malop Street.

Block 2 (betweeen Moorabool and Yarra streets) was finished in 2017 and 2018, and the northern side of Block 1 (between Gheringhap and Moorabool streets) was finished earlier this year.

Part of the Geelong City Deal, the delivery of the south side of Block 1 is subject to future funding and approvals.

For the latest on the Green Spine project or more information, head to the Revitalising Central Geelong website.