Fishers enjoying quest for big tuna

June 25, 2024 BY

A good season of tuna fishing is seeing recreational fishers flocking to Victoria's south-west. Photo: SUPPLIED

RECREATIONAL fishers continue to flock to Victoria’s south-west in their pursuit of a special classic catch.

Strong numbers of southern bluefin tuna are providing a huge drawcard for travel to communities from Portland down to Port Phillip Heads.

Victorian Fisheries chief executive officer Travis Dowling said good recent fishing had meant more fishers are chasing a trip to remember.

“It’s been great to see and hear reports of plenty of anglers catching tuna along our coast.

“Tuna provides a great challenge for even fishing die-hards with some big ‘barrels’ weighing in at well in excess of 100kg.

“They’re also wonderful to eat in a variety of ways and truly prized as a Victorian seafood delicacy.”

Mr Dowling said it was important those heading out on the waters continued to exercise safety vigilance and abide by all laws.

“Our officers will be making sure recreational fishers and charter boat clients comply with the daily bag limit of 2 tuna per person, the statewide possession limit of up to 160kg at any one time.

“This extends to boating safety as well – when you’re heading offshore it’s really important to have the right safety gear and to check everything before you head to the boat ramp.”

To stay up to date with bag and size limits, closed season dates and much more, download the free VicFishing smartphone app.

For more information, head to or pick up a copy of the free Recreational Fishing Guide from your local tackle shop.