Funding available for community projects

The Leopold Lakers Basketball Club was a grant recipient in last year's program. Pictured here are some of the club's junior players with president Jayson Newman (first from right) and Geelong United captain Jaz Shelley. Photo: SUPPLIED
APPLICATIONS for Barwon Water’s annual community grants program have opened, with community groups invited to share their ideas for projects that will enhance quality of life in the region.
Laura Kendall, Barwon Water’s general manager of customers, community and strategy, said the organisation provided grants to help local groups and associations make the community a better place to live.
“We encourage eligible community groups, sports clubs, local associations and event organisers to consider applying.
“Supporting a range of community groups is one of the many ways we’re helping our region to prosper economically, socially, culturally and environmentally.”
Funding of up to $5,000 is available through the grant program for projects that save water, improve the local environment, encourage social inclusion and/or help people to be active.
The Leopold Lakers Basketball Club was one of 11 grant recipients in last year’s program, with the funds used to design and purchase new uniforms for the volunteer-run club’s female players.
Club president Jayson Newman said the initiative was aimed at increasing women’s participation and fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.
“The feedback has been amazing. The players love the more comfortable and appropriate fit, and they also enjoy having a sponsor logo, like their idols at [WNBL team] Geelong United.
“We also used the [grant] to promote social inclusion and diversity via our Indigenous designed and themed training tops.”
For more information, or to submit an application before the March 31 deadline, head to