Geelong Community Foundation CEO resigns

July 17, 2024 BY
Geelong CEO Resignation

Gail Rodgers is stepping down after eight years as CEO of the Geelong Community Foundation. Photo: FACEBOOK/GEELONG COMMUNITY FOUNDATION

THE board of the Geelong Community Foundation has announced the resignation of Gail Rodgers as chief executive officer.

Ms Rodgers will step down effective from September, after eight years at the helm.

Geelong Community Foundation chair Michael Betts said Ms Rodgers had been an exceptional contributor to not only the foundation but also the wider Geelong Community during her tenure.

“Since her appointment, Gail has provided outstanding leadership and has been instrumental in establishing and implementing initiatives such as the P500 giving circle, the Vital Signs Report and The Geelong Funders Collaborative.

“She has managed the distribution of hundreds of grants to local community organisations, with funds provided this financial year alone exceeding $1.4 million.”

He said in line with the foundation’s philosophy of “Giving Forever”, the 2024 grants paid were more than 10 per cent of all grants distributed since the foundation’s establishment.

“Gail has made it her business to gain a close working relationship with the many community organisations providing valuable services throughout our community.

“Her knowledge of the community has been key in ensuring the Geelong Community Foundation has a lasting impact, and she has developed excellent relationships with our many supporters and other funders in the region.”

Since her appointment in early 2016, Ms Rodgers has seen the foundation’s corpus rise from $19.6 million to about $36.5 million today.

“Gail will be missed by everyone associated with the Geelong Community Foundation and we wish her well for the future,” Mr Betts said.

The Geelong Community Foundation board has started the recruitment process for Ms Rodgers’ successor.