Grants keep popular multicultural festivals going

July 10, 2021 BY

The Humans in Geelong Expo showcases Geelong's talent and stories. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

THE Humans in Geelong Expo and Nepalese Teej Festival will both receive grants in the latest tranche of state funding to support multicultural community festivals and events.

Last week, South Barwon Labor MP announced the $26,200 in funding for this year’s Humans in Geelong Expo, which will run at Deakin Waterfront Campus on October 9, attracting thousands of diverse attendees from across the Geelong region.

The Greater Geelong Nepalese Community Inc also received $2,000 to help organise the Nepalese Teej Festival on September 10.

“We are proud to support Humans in Geelong, which has run a fantastic expo in one form or another for the last several years,” Mr Cheeseman said.

The two events are among 252 festivals and events of cultural significance across the state to share in $1.45 million in funding.

The Victorian Government announced an additional $1.1 million for the Multicultural Festivals and Events Program in the Victorian Budget 2021/22 to help meet increased program demand over the next 12 months.

The grants will assist multicultural community organisations across the state to celebrate and share their culture with all Victorians,.

All events will adhere to COVIDSafe settings, with a majority of events taking place in person.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence said the COVID-19 pandemic had shown the importance of community spirit, and Victoria’s multicultural festivals offered a great opportunity for people to reconnect in a COVIDsafe way after a challenging year.

Events will be held between July and the end of December.

For a full list of events, head to the Victorian Government’s website.