Geelong radio boss happy to go dry for July

Geelong United Basketball CEO Mark Neeld, Barwon Health Foundation CEO Zoe Waters and Geelong Broadcasters general manager Andy Mathers are going dry this July. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS
GEELONG Broadcasters general manager Andy Mathers is stepping up to the Dry July challenge this year, raising more than $3,000 before July 1.
Announced as a Barwon Health Foundation Dry July ambassador, Mr Mathers will embark on 31 days of no alcohol under the national fundraiser.
“I had a meeting with the team from Barwon Health Foundation just about our regular support of the foundation through Krock and Bay FM, the topic came up and they asked would I mind being an ambassador,” he said.
“I thought that it was a very good cause, and it is not a bad thing for the liver either.”
While admitting he has never been a big drinker, Mr Mathers said he will miss the odd red wine on a winter’s night or a beer while watching the football.
“I must say I went to the Cats game on Friday night and seeing myself and Billy Brownless drinking Coke was a strange sight,” he said.
“And having a cup of tea at half time was a very pleasant experience.”
In its 14th year running, the Dry July Foundation revealed the number of Australians who said they are drinking more in the average week has doubled during the last 12 months with 86 per cent now believing they would benefit from less alcohol in their lives.
“I am not surprised that drinking has increased over COVID-19, it has been really tough for everyone, and I think maybe we turn to alcohol as a form of comfort,” Mr Mathers said.
With more than $4,000 raised at the time of print, Mr Mathers said he was proud to be able to support the Andrew Love Cancer Centre.
“What I like most about Dry July is not only raising money for people affected by cancer, but being able to direct your funds locally,” he said.
“The Andrew Love Cancer Centre are treating around 20,000 individual cancer patients every year and about 2,500 of them are brand new cancer patients.
“The needs are growing and therefore the costs are growing.”
Since officially kicking off last week, the Barwon Health Foundation has confirmed there are 228 people partaking in the challenge with more than $57,000 already donated to the Andrew Love Cancer Centre.
“If you have someone doing Dry July support them whether it is $10, $50 whatever you can spare, it is going to a great cause,” Mr Mathers said.
“Initially all I asked was for my friends, families and colleagues to donate what they would spend on a daily coffee, and it has just snowballed from there.
“July is not a great month for giving up red wine, but the end result is worth it.”