Geelong unveils five-year plan to grow major events scene

The Foo Fighters played to a packed GMHBA Stadium in 2022, injecting a record $1.3 million into the Geelong's dining and entertainment sectors
THE City of Greater Geelong is seeking to cement the region as Australia’s premier regional events destination, adopting a new roadmap to guide the direction of the major event sector for the next five years.
In 2022-2023, the region hosted 18 major events, generating an economic benefit of $77.5 million, a return on investment of 1:48 on the about $1.6 million invested by the city to support these events.
The new Geelong Major Events Strategy 2024-2029 aims to build on the region’s success in previous years, increasing the economic impact of major events annually by 10 per cent to $131 million by 2029.
The roadmap also strives to boost local resident participation in major events by 30 per cent, halve the carbon footprint of major events and attract a greater diversity of major events, including arts, music and culture experiences.
The new terms of reference, which will be used to guide the Geelong Major Events Committee in implementing the five-year strategy, was endorsed by the council at its meeting on Tuesday this week.
The committee is comprises councillors Anthony Aitken, Ron Nelson, Jim Mason and Melissa Cadwell, along with six external community representatives.
With October elections fast approaching and to support the implementation of the strategy, the council also voted on Tuesday to extend the terms of three external committee members, scheduled to conclude this month, to a revised date of July next year.
Geelong mayor Trent Sullivan acknowledged the significant economic benefits that major events generate for businesses in the region.
“Each year, Greater Geelong hosts a colourful and exciting line-up of major events that draw hundreds of visitors to our beautiful part of the world,” he said.
“This renewed strategy will help expand our major events calendar and cement Greater Geelong as Australia’s preeminent regional destination for major events.”
Deputy mayor and Geelong Major Events Committee chair Anthony Aitken said the new strategy would result in more locations around Greater Geelong hosting a greater diversity of major events.
“You will see more cultural and non-sporting events if we are true to the strategy that we’re adopting.
“The whole of the Geelong region should have the capacity to have major events, not just our CBD and waterfront area.
“We have many beautiful site locations and infrastructure throughout our whole local government area that could be used for major events.”