
GeelongPort lauded for its sustainability moves

October 29, 2022 BY

The GRESB Sector Leader Awards recognised GeelongPort's efforts to improve sustainability, including GeelongPort's power purchase agreement at the Mount Gellibrand windfarm near Birregurra for 68 gigawatt hours annually of renewable electricity. Photo: FACEBOOK/GEELONGPORT

GEELONGPORT has been named a worldwide leader in this year’s GRESB Infrastructure Benchmark, ranked first out of 26 global ports.

The GRESB Sector Leader Awards recognise real estate and infrastructure companies, funds and assets demonstrating outstanding leadership in sustainability each year.

Previously known as the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, GRESB provides systematic reporting, objective scoring and peer benchmarking of the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) of infrastructure around the world.

GeelongPort participated in GRESB’s Infrastructure Assessment, obtaining Sector Leader designation for Transport (Port Companies).

The port’s chief executive officer Brett Winter was proud to have received global recognition of GeelongPort’s commitment to ESG initiatives.

“The GeelongPort team is thrilled to have achieved sector leader in our third year of GRESB participation,” he said.

“I’m incredibly proud of the work our team has done in a short period of time, and it’s great to see that we are on track to achieving our aspiration to be Australia’s most sustainable port.

“At GeelongPort, our focus on sustainability is not only embedded in our corporate values but demonstrated in our approach to day-to-day activities across the port.”

GeelongPort chief executive officer Brett Winter and GeelongPort sustainability manager Amy Gillett. Photo: SUPPLIED


GeelongPort has also recently signed a power purchase agreement to power the new Spirit of Tasmania facility, which opened on Sunday.

Mr Winter said six gigawatts of renewable energy would be supplied to the Spirit of Tasmania precinct annually through GeelongPort’s Barwon Region Energy Partnership with Barwon Water and Barwon Health.

“With the Spirit of Tasmania travelling out of Geelong from this weekend, we have planned ahead to ensure Spirit of Tasmania Quay is powered by 100 per cent renewable energy,” he said.

Established in 2009, GRESB is now the leading ESG benchmark and is used by more than 170 institutional and financial investors to inform their decision-making.

Participating entities are given a GRESB Rating each year based on how they score on the ESG issues most material to their business.

If an entity’s GRESB score is in the top quintile of its sector, it is recognised as a GRESB five-star rated entity.

Each year, only 20 per cent of entities receive a GRESB five-star rating.

Along with being recognised as a Sector Leader, GeelongPort also achieved a five-star rating for the second year in a row.

GRESB chief executive officer Sebastien Roussotte said the entities named as Sector Leaders were “the top-performing organisations leading the way to a net-zero future and pulling the industry forward”.

“We applaud this year’s Sector Leaders for their commitment, leadership and dedication to ESG and sustainability.”