Global experts have designs on Geelong

October 14, 2021 BY

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THE City of Greater Geelong has this week hosted a panel of global experts discussing the role of design in renewing, reimagining and regenerating cities.

The annual UNESCO Cities of Design subnetwork meeting wraps up tonight following a three-day program which has showcased leading design projects from cities in Australia, Europe, Asia, North and South America and the Middle East.

The final discussion held as part of the free event will be livestreamed from the Geelong Arts Centre at 9pm this evening, with no registration required.

Having already explored the themes of Reimagine (Tuesday) and Renew (Wednesday), this evening’s discussion will explore the theme of Regenerate.

Projects in Detroit (USA), Shanghai and Wuhan (China), Montreal (Canada), Muharraq (Bahrain), Kortrijk (Belgium), Kaunas (Lithuania), and Curitiba (Brazil) have been discussed during the meeting.

Four projects have been featured each evening, including a project on Geelong each night.

Deputy mayor Trent Sullivan said Geelong was proud to be one of 40 UNESCO cities of design and to share information about quality design across the member network.

“Geelong boasts a unique design culture that’s helping to attract new people, new ideas and new opportunities to our region,” Cr Sullivan said.

“Like many of the leading design cities, Geelong is making the most of its industrial past while re-shaping it’s future to promote liveability and sustainability.

“As Australia’s fastest growing regional city we’re focused on making sure this growth is sustainable, creative and clever.”

Councillor Peter Murrihy, chair of the Economic Development portfolio, said it was a fantastic opportunity to hear how design was being incorporated in cultural, creative and social initiatives, sustainability advancements and within the built form.

“We have an impressive line-up of speakers from across the globe that can detail how design has been used to re-shape their cities,” Cr Murrihy said.

“This is a unique opportunity to learn more about incredible design projects happening in the world.”

For more information on the program, and to attend tonight’s free livestream, visit the ‘Geelong city of design’ website.