Grimley encourages community spirit

March 26, 2020 BY

Stuart Grimley out the front of his electorate office on 1/15 Pearl Street.

DERRYN Hinch’s Justice Party MP and Member for Western Victoria Stuart Grimley is encouraging community members to help one another through these difficult times.

As a simple gesture, staff at his electorate office, located at 1/15 Pearl Street, Torquay, have been placing toilet paper rolls in their Surf Coast Times basket for people in need to take.

Mr Grimley said he had been heartened by how many had reacted to the coronavirus outbreak with compassion.

“In this time of chaos and uncertainty, the community needs to look after each other. I’m so proud to hear stories of those paying it forward and offering footballs on the street to help pass time in self-isolation.

“We will have a limited number of toilet rolls at my electorate office for those who are

desperate and can’t get any from the supermarket – please take one per person. This is the least

I can do to help the community in this very trying time.”

Mr Grimley’s office is also welcoming people who want advice on how to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

People can either phone 5218 5001 or visit in person, as the office has a glass partition to ensure social distance.