Hayley’s pledge for a Dry July is raking it in

June 25, 2020 BY

Hayley Clark with her daughters Neve (left) and Ada. Photo: JAMES TAYLOR

AN ARMSTRONG Creek resident’s pledge to go alcohol-free for half of July has already raised more than $4,500 – and it’s not even July yet.
Hayley Clark signed up for the annual campaign to raise funds for people affected by cancer in honour of her mother, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in May.
Ms Clark is raising money for Barwon Health’s Andrew Love Cancer Centre, where her mother is undergoing treatment, including chemotherapy.
“We know lots of people who’ve gone through Andrew Love, but you never think it’s going to happen to you.
“We are a very close family, and Mum is the one that holds us all together normally, so the past six weeks have been horrible; watching her go from her normal healthy, happy self to very sick so quickly.
“My sister and her family have moved from the other side of Melbourne to be here and help us out, which has been amazing.
“My brother, sister and I all have young children – my daughter Ada being the oldest at just 4. Then my brother’s little girl, Lola, and sister’s little boy Ted are both 2; and I have another little girl, Neve, and my sister has Maggie, and they are both 1.
“Dad has been amazing; taking Mum to all appointments, and holding us kids up when we get upset.”
Ms Clark’s goal is to raise as much funds and awareness around Dry July as possible and encourage Australians to donate directly to a cause close to their heart, and has deliberately timed her 14 days of no alcohol to end just before her mother finishes her treatment – “I’ll finish when she does.”
She said donations towards her efforts had gone “a bit crazy”, especially given her original target was only $500.
“It’s gone up heaps over this weekend. It’s exceeded all my expectations. Anything else is a bonus.”
To donate to Ms Clark’s Dry July page, head to dryjuly.com/users/hayley-clark.