Hefty fines issued to trailblazers

July 23, 2020 BY

Two weekend operations in the Great Otway National Park have resulted in more than $17,000 of fines being issued.

VARIOUS government organisations have been clamping down on illegal trailbike activity in the Great Otway National Park.

In recent months, Parks Victoria, Victoria Police, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and the Conservation Regulator carried out two-weekend operations, resulting in more than $17,000 worth of fines being issued.

Trailbiking is permitted in the park on designated tracks but those that leave the path risk a fine upnto $860.

Conservation Regulator Trail Bike project manager Roger Pitt urged trail bikers to obey restrictions.

“Trailbike riding is a great way for licensed riders with registered trail bikes to explore Victoria’s forests and parks – but it’s essential to stay on the formed roads and vehicle tracks to protect the environment we all enjoy.”

Parks Victoria Ranger team leader Scott Nicholson also noted there was no lack of routes for trailbikers to enjoy.

“With thousands of kilometres of designated tracks available for legal trail bike riding, there’s no excuse for going off-road and damaging the environment.

“The Great Otway National Park and Otway Forest Park protect a special landscape, and off-road trailbike riding damages that landscape.”

The Great Otway National Park is also home to many native animals, including long-nosed potoroo, southern brown bandicoot, dusky and swamp antechinus, and spot-tailed quoll.

In addition to off-road trailbiking, authorities have also issued notices for illegal camping, illegal removal of firewood from a national park, and failure to comply with directions from an Authorised Officer.