Works on Hesse Street keep moving

July 23, 2020 BY

Borough of Queenscliff mayor Ross Ebbels at the works on Hesse Street.

BOROUGH of Queenscliffe residents may have noticed some extra traffic around the southern end of Queenscliff’s Hesse Street.
The council is making improvements to the well-used stretch of road, making it safer for cars and pedestrians while improving the visual appeal of the landscape.
The project includes a range of upgrades to Hesse Street south of King Street, including moving power lines underground, improving street lighting and drainage, creating 16 extra parking spaces, and planting new trees.
The council says that together, these works will make Hesse Street safer for cars and pedestrians while improving the visual appeal of the streetscape.
The work is funded through Regional Roads Victoria’s Fixing Country Roads program, and the federal government’s Roads to Recovery program.
The improvements were to be part of the Destination Queenscliff revitalisation works, but the Borough of Queenscliffe and the federal government mutually agreed in April to terminate the funding agreement for the project at the end of the 2019/2020 financial year.
This will effectively put a hold on those areas of the project covered by the federal funding agreement, including the Ocean View car park refurbishments and improvements to the bull ring.
Areas covered by other funding agreements, such as improvement works on the southern end of Hesse Street, are continuing in line with the designs produced in consultation with the borough community.