
Highland cattle show comes to town

June 3, 2024 BY

Dawson Arrow won the 2023 Supreme Exhibit at the Junee event. Photo: SUPPLIED

MORE than 60 Highland Cattle will arrive at the Geelong Show Ground next weekend for three days of entertainment.

The 2024 Australian Highland Cattle Society National Show will see animals from different parts of the country come together from June 7 until June 9.

Each year the society holds the national event as they judge the unique animals and appreciate their beauty.

Across three days there will be a range of activities on offer for the whole family, with the Saturday and Sunday events open to the public.

Show Convener Hugo Howse said Highland Cattle are always great fun.

“There’s plenty of opportunity for people to really get close up to the animals, speak to the exhibitors, the breeders, there will be all ranges of ages and cattle,” he said.

Highland cattle are an ancient breed that originated from Scotland and are well known around the world for their long horns and flowy coats.

“It’s never become a commercial breed, so it’s never been cross bred and changed dramatically, it a breed that has been protected and loved and kept like this for a very long time.”

The Saturday events are family focused with parades, junior judging classes and the calf and costume classic classes taking place throughout the day.

Sunday is the main show where the grand champion male, female and supreme exhibit will be awarded, this will be streamed across the country and globally.

Highland Cattle are well known for their long horns and flowy coats. Photo: SUPPLIED


For the first time, an international judge has been appointed.

“He knows the good, the bad, and the ugly, and that’s why we we’ve brought him in this year, to really help us all learn and improve our animals going forward,” Mr Howse said.

Judges will look for a number of things including the functionality of the animal, how it moves, if it’s structured to be a beef animal, it’s aesthetics and more.

Across Saturday and Sunday there will also be a number of exhibitors with highland related products, whisky tasking will also be on offer.

Friday is an education day where schools with cultural programs are invited to attend as well as those interested in the showing aspects.

For more information and the full program, head to australianhighlandcattle.org