Hospital triage upgrade

Improvements at Geelong's University Hospital Emergency Department are part of a new emergency mental health hub which will be completed later this year.
A REDEVELOPMENT of Geelong University Hospital’s Emergency Department triage area has been unveiled, aiming to provide a better experience for patients and staff.
The upgrade is part of Barwon Health’s $5.35 million expansion to provide a Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Hub in the Emergency Department by the end of 2021.
The hub will be located in the existing emergency department administration area and ambulance bay and will include a five-bed mental health, alcohol and other drugs hub, three interview rooms, a patient lounge and beverage facilities and a staff area.
Barwon Health Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol Services clinical directors Associate Professor Steve Moylan said the busy Emergency Department assessed about 12 people with primary mental health concerns every day.
“Barwon Health’s Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Hub in the Emergency Department, due to open later this year, will provide a more therapeutic environment and service connections for those seeking MHAOD care,” Prof Moylan said.
The new hub will support the growing number of people with mental health, drug and alcohol problems seeking help in emergency departments get the help they need, sooner.
Patients will be assessed and treated by an emergency department team, involving psychiatrists, nurses and social workers, and referred to other services as required.
The project will deliver emergency facilities that support safe and modern emergency care, providing more support for people living in the Barwon region who go to the ED and need dedicated clinical care.
Barwon Health has thanked people for their understanding while construction is underway and is offering ear plugs for patients if noise levels are causing concern.