How to clear your library debt with food donations

Customer Nahla donating food items to Geelong Regional Libraries staff member Sandi at Waurn Ponds Library. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE Geelong Regional Library Corporation (GRLC) is again joining forces with the Geelong Food Relief Centre (GFRC) in a creative scheme that would waive overdue library fines.
By donating non-perishable foods to the GRLC as part of the Food for Fines appeal this year, the library corporation will clear overdue book fines until Friday, December 10.
Food items can be donated at any library branch or mobile library within the GRLC network and will be collected by GFRC volunteers for distribution to individuals and families through the centre’s emergency food relief program.
The appeal was not run in 2020 due to COVID-19 lockdowns and library closures.
When the appeal was run in 2019, more than two metric tons of food was donated by the community and distributed locally.
Vanessa Schernickau, CEO of the GRLC, said she was anticipating a similarly generous response this year.
“We are lucky to live and work in such an amazing community and during COVID we have seen local people really rally together and support those in our region who are doing it tough,” Ms Schernickau said.
“I am certain that our library community will be donating generously to Food for Fines.”
The Geelong Food Relief Centre is a not-for-profit organisation which helps individuals and families through the delivery and supply of nutritious food.
Food insecurity continues to be a significant issue across the Greater Geelong area, and it is anticipated around 42,000 individuals in the region will require emergency food relief throughout 2021/22.
GFRC CEO, Collin Peebles, said his team of volunteers continues to meet unprecedented demand for its emergency service.
“The pandemic has put an additional demand on our services, with many in our community feeling the strain of financial pressure and food insecurity,” Mr Peebles said.
“With the onset of the festive season, GFRC welcomes donations through the Food for Fines appeal which will help us bolster depleted stock levels at a critical and busy time of year. Thank you in advance to everyone who makes a donation.”
GRLC members have until December 10 to make a food donation to clear unpaid fines at any of the corporation’s libraries.
Products donated should have an expiration date of May 2022 or later.
GFRC have indicated there is a demand for tuna, assorted condiments, cake mix, pasta/pasta sauce, dry biscuits, noodles, dried fruit, flour, tea/coffee, milk and sauces.