Inclusive playspace now closer to fruition

Cr Anthony Aitken, acting Geelong mayor Kylie Grzybek, Member for Lara John Eren and Lachie Andison at the current Rippleside playground. Photo: SUPPLIED
A WORLD-CLASS inclusive play space is one step closer to fruition with council endorsing concept plans for the Rippleside infrastructure.
Following last week’s meeting, the City of Greater Geelong has confirmed the detail design process is now underway.
Council previously allocated $400,000 to the project in the 2020-21 budget along with $800,000 from the Victorian Government’s Sport and Recreation Community Infrastructure Program.
Councillor Anthony Aitken, chair of the access and advisory committee, said the design of the Rippleside Inclusive Playspace would help break down barriers.
“At the moment, children living with disabilities in Greater Geelong have limited playground options that accommodate their needs,” he said.
“This world-class playground will offer a safe space for all families to come together and enjoy.”
The inclusive playground is a collaboration between council and Variety – The Children’s Charity which aims to attract families from across Victoria with a fenced play area incorporating “multi-sensory and natural play elements” and a tree top walk with views of the bay.
Concept plans further include a grassed area with additional trees, shaded picnic space, outdoor furniture, wheelchair and mobility devices, paths suitable for prams and fully accessible toilet facilities.
The detailed design phase will seek further input from key stakeholders with Hamlyn Views School and Barwon Child Youth and Family already contributing with the implementation of fencing, accessible pathways and offerings for those with sensory processing conditions.
Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the new play space will be ground-breaking in its ability to cater for all needs.
“Council is dedicated to creating a more welcoming and accessible Geelong region, through clever and creative design,” she said.
“The new Rippleside Inclusive Playspace will be an exciting place for all kids to challenge themselves, learn and make new friends.”
Kim Becherand, head of inclusive play at Variety – the Children’s Charity said the collaboration which has been two years in the making is an exciting part of their mission.
“Variety is proud to be working with the kids, families and community members of Geelong to create an incredible playspace for all who visit Rippleside now and into the future,” she said.
“We’re very excited to be partnering with the forward-thinking City of Greater Geelong, who are changing the way our playspaces are built so we can all play together, feel valued and know that we belong”.
The draft concept plans were released last year by the city after receiving positive feedback from the community in 2019, with further consultation scheduled later this year.
It is anticipated construction will begin in 12 to 18 months with the build taking a staged approach.