Lara wetlands build to begin

Windermere councillors Kylie Grzybek and Anthony Aitken inspect plans for the Lara Lakelands extension, which is set to be built by July. Photo: CITY OF GREATER GEELONG
A LARA wetland project more than a decade in the making will soon begin construction, aimed at improving its area’s biodiversity and stormwater management.
City of Greater Geelong (COGG) contractors will start major earthworks next month at the Lara Lakelands Reserve, which will create a new wetland on the western bank of an existing lake.
The $2.25 million project would extend the existing wetland by 6500 square metres and improve quality of water entering the Hovells Creek system.
Urban stormwater would also flow through the new wetland, which would act as a filter for excess flows, sedimentations and pollutants to protect areas further downstream.
The wetland project is a long-standing commitment from the city, which finalised its masterplan for Lara Lakelands in 2009.
Major construction is due to finish in July before new plantings at the site during spring, with the wetlands set to be operational by early next year.
Windermere Ward councillor Kylie Gryzbek said the extension would for a host of plants and animals in the area.
“The enhanced stormwater treatment will improve water quality and habitats for a range of birdlife, delivering a healthier wetland and waterway ecosystem,” Cr Grzybek said.
“The construction has been timed to ensure the least impact on the fauna that calls the reserve home.”
Deputy mayor Trent Sullivan said the project would protect the important recreation space’s natural features and limit pollution to ensure long-term stability.
Contractors will divert pedestrians and cyclists via a temporary shared path during construction, along the southern and western edges of the reserve.