Lazarus Community Centre refurbishment reaches milestone
LAZARUS Community Centre’s pursuit of creating a more welcoming space for the homeless is becoming a reality and a major refurbishment could be completed by the end of the year.
Board chair Steph Davie said she was thrilled to see demolition contractors at 202 Myers Street after the centre received the first stage of its permit.
“The anticipation is six to seven months to completion at this stage, give or take permit hurdles and the like with Heritage Victoria,” she said.
Ms Davie said the existing space did not fit the demand for the clients.
“While three or four years ago we were seeing 15 or so guests per day, we’re seeing closer to 50 to 55 per day.”
She added there was only one unisex shower and toilet, and more would be introduced as part of the upgrade.
Ms Davie said the project had been in the works for about three years and a key step involved working with Heritage Victoria as the Geelong Goal is adjacent.
The project includes the transformation of outdoor spaces with a new veranda, alfresco dining area, and landscaping elements.
“The reason everything has taken three years is because we pivoted and adjusted our scope to liaise with Heritage Victoria to put an opening in the Goal wall itself,” Ms Davie said.
“So we can get access to a space that is three times larger than what we’re currently sitting in.”
Ms Davie said the scope of the project was about $600,000 plus GST, with private philanthropy and the City of Greater Geelong covering the bulk of the funds.
She said some civil and landscaping works as well as cabinetry were being donated in kind.
“Organisations in the community are coming forward and want to be part of the process and give back their piece.”
“So $600,000 plus significant contributions in kind will be just shy of $1 million in the build itself.”
URBN Group, who Ms Davie said came on board in the past 18 months, are working with architects to execute the build.