Leaving early not heeded in high-risk bushfire areas

January 7, 2021 BY

The CFA says leaving early when the Fire Danger Rating is at Code Red is the only safe option.

THE CFA is concerned people are not heeding its “leave early and live” message, after a new survey found nearly half of Victorians in high-risk areas would rather wait and see on high-risk fire days.

The survey asked more than 600 people in some of Victoria’s highest risk fire locations for their views.

The latest seasonal outlook predicts a lower risk of long-running bushfires than last year, when 1.5 million hectares of Victoria burned, but grassfires remain a high risk across the state.

The respondents to CFA’s 2020 Bushfire Community Survey, undertaken after each bushfire season since 2009–10, who fell into the “wait and see” category included:

  • A quarter (26 per cent) said they would do as much as possible to protect their property but leave if they felt threatened by the fire
  • 12 per cent said they would wait to see what the fire was like before deciding whether to stay or leave
  • 1 in 10 said they would wait for police, fire or emergency services to tell them what to do on the day
  • Only eight per cent said they planned to leave the area on days of high-risk fire danger.

CFA chief officer Jason Heffernan warned those who waited too long to leave, or weren’t adequately prepared to defend their property, could be risking their lives and those of

“Leaving early is the safest option to protect yourself and your family and it means leaving the area before a fire starts – not when you can see flames or smell smoke,” he said.

“Leaving early means leaving the night before, or early in the morning of, a high-risk fire day. It means it’s easier to make good, rational decisions and avoid panic, becoming trapped and risking serious injury or death.

“Waiting to leave means a drive that normally takes a few minutes could take hours, or you may not be able to get out at all.”

He said fires could start and spread quickly on hot, dry and windy days, and urged Victorians to learn what the Fire Danger Ratings meant and use them as triggers to take action.

“Households will need different triggers depending on their circumstances, such as whether their property is located near bushland and whether escape routes are limited.

“However, CFA recommends people in high-risk bushfire settings should leave early on days of Fire Danger ratings of Severe, Extreme or Code Red. On Code Red days, leaving early is the only safe option.

Homes are not designed or constructed to withstand fires in those conditions.”

He said people should talk to their household, family or neighbours about their bushfire survival plan and check Fire Danger Ratings daily so you know when to leave.

“Fire safety is a shared responsibility and on high fire risk days you cannot expect a fire truck at every house.

“It’s your responsibility to make the best possible decision for your family based on the current Fire Danger Ratings and official warnings for your area.”

To check the Fire Danger Rating, head to emergency.vic.gov.au, check the VicEmergency app or phone the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.