Report recommends LGBTQIA+ Safe Space for Geelong

Minister for Health and Equality Martin Foley and Member for Western Victoria and Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick with copies of the report. Photo: ANDY MEDDICK MP
SAFE spaces for LGBTQIA+ youth should be trialled in Geelong and Ballarat, according to a taskforce that has handed its report to the Victorian government.
The taskforce, chaired by Member for Western Victoria and Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick, acknowledges the struggles of LGBTQIA+ youth and the need for Safe Spaces in the Geelong region and Ballarat.
To be trialled for five years in each of the two cities, the two Safe Spaces would include referral and access to greater services, emotional support, and funding.
Queer Space and Drummond Street in Geelong and the Surf Coast, and SPEAK in Ballarat, have been identified as the non-government organisations to run the centres.
The report includes funding requests of $650,000 in the first year, $900,000 in the second year, $1.1 million in the third year and $850,000 across years four and five.
Mr Meddick handed the taskforce’s report for consideration in the coming state Budget to Minister for Health and Equality Martin Foley in Geelong last week.
“Trans, non-binary and gay youth struggle in rural communities – this is my experience as both a parent and a politician,” Mr Meddick said.
“Following a successful trial of Safe Spaces in Geelong and Ballarat, I’m hopeful this project can be rolled out right across Victoria.
“I am so proud of the work I’ve been able to do in parliament to support the LGBTQIA+ community – which includes my two wonderful children. The proposed Safe Spaces can help to fill a huge gap in youth services and I’ll do everything I can to see it through.
“Governments, medical facilities and community services can all provide clinical support to our youth but if emotional support – that feeling of knowing you are worth something – is not there in abundance, then tragedies are inevitable.”
He said Mr Foley’s commitment to LGBTIQA+ people should be be noted, and thanked the Victorian government for their ongoing and public support for the entire LGBTIQA+ community.
“This work has been in response to a number of young people in the community tragically taking their own lives after not being able to access support in a way that was easy and accessible to them,” Mr Meddick said.
“I was honoured to convene several round tables to listen to young people in the community, to hear their stories and work to a solution that was guided by their needs, not anyone else’s perceptions of what we felt was appropriate for them.”