Liberals pledge $150k upgrade at Grovedale FNC

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, Liberal Member for Western Victoria Bev McArthur, Liberal candidate for South Barwon Andrew Katos and Grovedale FNC football president Michael Schulze in front of the existing scoreboard at Burdoo Reserve. Photo: JAMES TAYLOR
THE Liberals have their eye on the sporting vote in Geelong at this year’s state election, pledging $150,000 to upgrade the Grovedale Football Netball Club’s facilities if they form government and hinting at similar pledges to come.
The existing Burdoo Reserve scoreboard, now run by hand, will be replaced by a new electronic screen.
New sports netting would be installed at both ends of the football oval, improving the safety of spectators, pedestrians and those in neighbouring properties.
Block-out blinds and air conditioning would be installed in the netball changerooms, which would also undergo a refurbishment.
Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, Liberal candidate for South Barwon Andrew Katos and Liberal Member for Western Victoria Bev McArthur visited Burdoo Reserve on Wednesday last week to make the commitment.
Grovedale FNC football president Michael Schulze welcomed the Liberals’ election pledge.
“Without these generous donations, we can’t get the facilities we need,” he said.
“As you can see, it’s well needed here – we’ve got 1,000 people as members around the precinct and it’s all run by volunteers, and to fund that (the upgrades) we definitely need generous donations.”
Mr Guy said his party’s $150,000 pledge would go “a long way” towards funding the upgrades at Burdoo Reserve.
“There’s a lot more we can do beyond as well.
“This precinct does need to be upgraded – the investment, we hope, will be the start of a number which can upgrade this whole precinct to actually provide the community infrastructure that here in Grovedale but also the broader Geelong suburban area needs.”
Mr Katos said the upgrades would be of benefit to not only Grovedale FNC but also Armstrong Creek just to the south.
“So this club’s also under increased growth pressure from the new residents moving into the growth area.
“So putting in that new scoreboard is something that’s been needed for a while and will also help the football and cricket club, and nets behind the goals will be important obviously for losing balls and also just the time it takes to stop the game.
“But importantly, too, the netballers having that meeting room upgrade with simple things like a split system air conditioner that should have been in those rooms (originally) are going to be put in, and an upgrade to the toilets there.”
Mr Guy said there would be commitments at other clubs in Geelong, but declined to go into specifics “because I’ll see you again”.
“But this is important for mental health as much as physical health,” he said.
“It’s important to invest in community facilities.”