Lighting the way

November 6, 2021 BY

New guidelines for street lighting across Greater Geelong have been developed.

THE City of Greater Geelong has finalised a new policy which will guide the styles of “decorative” street lights which can be installed.

The updated Public Street Lighting Policy sets the direction for new and replacement street lighting aiming for more contemporary, innovative and energy efficient street lighting, with a consistent approach across the city.

There are more than 23,000 unmetered lights across the City of Greater Geelong that are maintained by either Powercor or VicRoads on the city’s behalf and about 2,500 metered lights that are maintained by the council in reserves and along the waterfront.

The draft policy was released for public feedback and the city received 12 submissions, including nine from the general community and three from the land development sector.

In response to feedback, the policy and engineering notes have been updated to allow three types of decorative poles, matching light fittings and a range of approved colours.

Responsibilities for the installation, management and replacement of street lighting within the City of Greater Geelong are also set out in the policy.

The city is responsible for the maintenance, replacement and operating costs of street lighting.

In the case of a precinct or subdivision, a developer will be liable for additional costs such as when decorative non-standard street lights have been installed, the developer will pay a maintenance fee and the city will ensure the funds are available when the lights are scheduled for renewal.

The cost of street lighting in new subdivisions is the responsibility of the developer including all design and implementation costs.

The adopted policy and more information about lighting guidelines are available on the City of Greater Geelong website.