
Local artists to be celebrated at Corio and Norlane exhibition

November 7, 2022 BY

Rosewall Community Centre Manager Jodie Flood with some of the art set for inclusion in the exhibition. Photos: NATHAN RIVALLAND

THREE community centres in Geelong’s northern suburbs are joining forces to showcase an exhibition of student artwork from people of all walks of life.

On Saturday, November 19, the 3214 End of Year Exhibition and Market will showcase student art that has been produced across 20 art programs run between the Rosewall, Cloverdale and Norlane Community Centre’s in 2022.

Spanning from painting and pottery to mosaics and metalwork, the exhibition will combine artistry from students of all ages and varying abilities.

Mrs Flood said the programs run at the community centre’s develop teamwork, social relationships and promote wellbeing.


Rosewall Community Centre Manager, Jodie Flood said the exhibition will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase the amazing artworks produced by adults, children and teenagers involved in their programs.

“Any of our students who participate in our programs are allowed to be a part of the exhibition,” Flood said.

“All the classes are low cost and are usually targeted at people that have a disability, people who are long term unemployed and seniors.

“It’s a big melting pot of skills and talents, people who are pretty established artists and people who had never picked up a paint brush before, it’ll be great to have that all together in the art exhibition.”

Many mediums including painting, pottery, metalwork and mosaics will be included in the exhibition.


Mrs Flood said that the program has allowed many community members to enhance their social and teamwork skills, particularly after an isolating pandemic period.

“What we see are people that have been very isolated socially, particularly from the last two years,” Flood said.

“Through this program, they develop team-work and positive social relationships in an environment where it doesn’t matter how talented they are, everyone’s skills are celebrated.

“We know art and creativity promotes wellbeing and a sense of identity and connection.

“The creativity that our participants bring to the classes impress us every day, and I think the public are going to be just as impressed.”

Screen printing has also been a popular activity at the community centre in the lead-up to the gallery.


All artistic styles and mediums will be available for purchase, some of which might turn into creative, one-of-a-kind Christmas gifts.

Coffee and morning tea will be available from the Rosewall Community Centre’s employment training Café.

For more information, head to www.rosewallnc.org.au