Local clubs to receive latest hit of funding

October 13, 2021 BY

Front to back: Co-coach Daniel McLean, Club President Barry Mills and Co-coach Aaron Morgan at their oval on Central Boulevard Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

LOCAL clubs across the region have the chance to lessen financial burdens thanks to another round of community sports funding on the horizon.

The state government announced applications are now open for a $10 million fourth round of the Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package.

In this round, clubs can apply for a grant of $1,500 and local leagues and associations $2,500 to cover lost revenue due to the cancellation of training, development programs and competition.

There are 62 sporting clubs and associations in the South Barwon electorate who have benefited from one or more of these payments and are eligible for an automatic top-up. This is more than $172,625 in direct support to the electorate alone.

Beneficiaries in the region from the COVID-19 Survival Package include the Armstrong Creek Cricket and Sporting Club, Barwon Soccer Club, Grovedale Cricket Club, Modewarre Football and Netball Club and South Barwon Cricket Club.

“These grants will definitely help our club, because with local sporting clubs every little bit helps,” Armstrong Creek Cricket Club president Barry Mills said.

“We received funding in the previous round of the Survival Package of $1,000 and it did help in small ways.

“I think for every club out there if they can get a little bit of money off the government then they should try.

“There are many things to take care of when running a local sports club and the more money you can get, the less strain there is.”

The Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package has provided a lifeline for more than 6,300 clubs, with a further 430 leagues and associations and 75 state sporting associations, organisations and regional academies.

South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman welcomed the latest round of funding, and emphasised the important role local level sport played within communities.

“Community sporting clubs are the backbone of many local communities, and this will help support them through very tough times,” Mr Cheeseman said.

For further information and a list of all recipients of the Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package, head to sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding.