Locals encouraged to give where they can for Good Friday Appeal

April 14, 2022 BY

Geelong Good Friday Appeal coordinator Elie Freijah (left) next to fellow former RCH patient Sophia Kulic (right) at Barry Plant Geelong. Photo: ANDY ROGERS PHOTOGRAPHY

GEELONG’S Good Friday Appeal co-ordinator is appealing to the region’s generosity as the fundraising effort for the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) reaches its peak tomorrow (Friday, April 15).

Former RCH patient, director of Barry Plant Geelong and Highton father Elie Freijah has been co-ordinating the Appeal across Geelong for almost two decades, a role he relishes given his personal connection to the RCH.

“It’s been 15, 16 or 17 years since I first began co-ordinating the Appeal here in Geelong, to be honest I can’t remember how many years it has been, the years just start to blur together at some point,” he said.

Mr Freijah was admitted to the RCH as a child after being diagnosed with a tumour in his kidney which had spread to other parts of his body, spending 12 years in and out of the hospital.

His time at the RCH is what inspired him to help contribute every Good Friday and he could not speak highly enough of the work the doctors and nurses do in Melbourne.

“The work they conduct is extremely important and what people fail to realise is that they are a training hospital for other local hospitals,” Mr Freijah said.

“To give an example, Geelong Hospital has a children’s ward which has paediatric doctors that the RCH sends down to help guide and train new medical workers.

“It’s not just a hospital for Melbourne, it’s a hospital for the state, so people should know that these funds help local hospitals in regional areas.”



Geelong Good Friday Appeal coordinator Elie Freijah is urging all Geelong residents to give where they can.


Tin rattlers are expected to be seen at 12 different intersections across Geelong according to Mr Freijah, who is urging anyone with spare change to give to make a difference.

“It’s great to see each year the numbers Geelong brings in terms of fundraising,” Mr Freijah said.

“While we may not be far from Melbourne, we are our own town and it’s awesome to see it come together for the Appeal this year.

“Like I said, it’s a hospital for everyone.”

If you don’t come across a tin rattler at any stage tomorrow, funds can be donated to the Good Friday Appeal online at goodfridayappeal.com.au/donate.