Loneliness to be tackled in Geelong with new initiative

Establishing community collectives like Social Inclusion Action Groups across the state was a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System. Photo: FREEPIX.COM
A NEW mental health and wellbeing initiative aiming to combat loneliness and foster social connection across the community is set to be established in Geelong.
Minister for Mental Health Ingrid Stitt announced earlier this month that a Social Inclusion Action Group (SIAG) would be established in the Greater Geelong region, along with four other local government areas, as part of the second phase of a state-wide rollout of the initiative.
The move follows the recommendation of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System that ‘community collectives’ be implemented across the state, highlighting the critically important role communities play in fostering relationships, providing a sense of belonging and driving social connection.
“Evidence shows that our communities are best placed to understand and drive local social connection and inclusion that promotes good mental health and wellbeing,” Ms Stitt said.
“We all know that prevention is better than cure, that’s why we are helping to strengthen the wellbeing of Victorians in their local communities through Social Inclusion Action Groups.”
With the goal of increasing social inclusion and connection, the SIAG will work to identify the community’s needs and support the delivery of a range of funded initiatives and activities to prevent isolation and promote local participation.
The group will be comprised of a diverse range of community members from all ages and backgrounds, including those with lived experience, and be supported by a coordinator from the City of Greater Geelong.
The action group’s efforts will be supported by ongoing funding from the state government in the form of a Local Social Inclusion Investment Fund, with an initial $9.1 million earmarked over the next four years to sustain the first 10 SIAGs.
An expression of interest process to recruit Geelong’s SIAG members is expected in the near future.
Geelong’s SIAG will also complement the support and “local connections” services offered by Greater Geelong – Queenscliff Mental Health and Wellbeing Local (GGQ Local), another initiative established following the Royal Commission.
Led by Barwon Health, GGQ Local is a free “front door” mental health and social connections support program delivered by a collective of healthcare providers for individuals aged 26 and above.