Low-key commemorations for Vietnam Veterans’ Day

August 13, 2020 BY

The war memorial in Drysdale.

ON TUESDAY, August 18, RSL clubs across the Bellarine will be raising their flags to commemorate Vietnam Veterans’ Day.

Vietnam Veterans’ Day is held on the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in the Vietnam War, where almost 60,000 Australians fought and more than 500 died.

Drysdale RSL president Geoff Zanker said in normal circumstances, a lot of their members would come together for the day.

“Normally, the Vietnam Veterans that are in our RSL club go into Geelong. They have a dinner in there and a get-together.

“There won’t be any get together at all but we will definitely be raising the flag.”

Portarlington & St Leonards RSL president Barry Smith said their commemoration of the day would be similarly muted.

“All we’re going to be doing is putting the Australian Flag and the Vietnam Veterans’ flag up at the cenotaph, and we’ll lay a wreath at the sub-branch.”

Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL will similarly be flying the Vietnam Veterans’ flag at half-mast in Ocean Grove Park.