Lucie’s drawing of hope wins the day

Lucinda Lewis holding up her winning design at Fishermans Beach in Torquay. Photos: NATHAN RIVALLAND
A GEELONG teenager will have her special ocean-inspired drawing featured on a new range of merchandise for not-for-profit therapeutic surf charity Ocean Mind.
16-year-old Ocean Mind participant Lucinda Lewis was crowned the third annual winner of Ocean Mind’s biennial drawing competition.
Her design was judged the winner for its strong ability to “capture the feelings of freedom and joy experienced in the water” and draw on Ocean Mind’s core value of connection.
Lucinda said she was thrilled to be selected as the competition winner.
“It is very exciting doing something I enjoy and to be recognised for it.
“The inspiration behind the design is taking an early morning surf.
“Despite it being cold, seeing the sun and the cloud in the early morning gives me hope that today will be a great day.
“I’m very grateful Ocean Mind picked me.”
She said Ocean Mind’s programs had already brought life-changing benefits to her physical, mental and social health.
“Mum reached out to Ocean Mind in 2020 when I was struggling with remote learning during the lockdowns.
“From then, I begun surfing with Rachael. It deeply improved my mental health and social skills.

“It’s offered young people like me the opportunity to not feel so isolated.”
Ocean Mind fee for service manager Ben Wilkinson said the drawing competition continues to be a great way for participants to showcase their love for the ocean.
“It’s so nice to see how they represent their time at Ocean Mind both in and out of the water.
“We certainly see it in Lucie’s enjoyment for surfing and the perseverance and progression she has had over the four years.
“To see how well she has represented that on the merchandise is really cool and is a nice insight into her experiences.”
Every purchase of the new merchandise range supports Ocean Mind to continue providing surf therapy programs for young people.
Lucinda’s design, sponsored by GeelongPort, is now available on the Ocean Mind website at