MAN v FAT uses soccer to kick off the kilos

April 15, 2021 BY

Cr Peter Murrihy with Leisuretime centre manager Brad Roberts, centre manager and MAN v FAT Soccer local coach Tonci Prusac. Photo: CITY OF GREATER GEELONG

NORLANE’S Leisuretime Sports Precinct is breaking new ground as the first venue in Victoria to host MAN v FAT Soccer – a soccer-themed weight loss program for men.

The 14-week program, which began last week, has had recent success with similar leagues established in Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland.

MAN v FAT Soccer is a University of Western Australia initiative based on the successful nationwide weight loss program in the United Kingdom called MAN v FAT Football, which was the first weight loss program to be endorsed by the UK Football Association.

City of Greater Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said this would be a great program for men in the region looking to improve their overall fitness.

“It’s exciting to see this program that started internationally have its Victorian launch right here in Geelong,” Cr Asher said.

“This program will be a great blend of competitive sport and health education – as we know that regular movement is so important for physical and mental health and wellbeing.

“Men shouldn’t be put off because they aren’t as fit as they would like to be.“Even men who haven’t kicked a ball since high school should feel confident that they will be welcomed and supported in this league, regardless of their skill level or physical fitness.”

MAN v FAT Soccer, designed especially for Australia, is a soccer league for men looking to improve their fitness and health and lose weight.

Support is given to every player in the program, with unique resources, help and friendly advice provided via a league coach.

MAN v FAT Soccer national program manager Tom Atkinson said they were excited to be launching their first Victorian
league in Geelong.

“We’re looking forward to helping local men lose weight sustainably through playing the game they love,” he said.

“MAN v FAT Soccer is unique because it taps into players’ competitive side as well as the team nature of the sport to develop a sense of accountability and serve as motivation to lose weight.”

The Geelong league will be based at the Leisuretime Sports Precinct in Norlane and will run weekly on Wednesdays from 6.30-8.30pm.

The inaugural season hopes to attract at least four teams with between six to eight players per team.

The City of Greater Geelong is partnering with MAN v FAT Soccer Australia to bring the program to the municipality.