Multi-million dollar medical precinct proposed in the North

April 1, 2021 BY

A multi-million dollar medical and educational precinct has been proposed for Norlane.

PLANS to erect a new multi-million-dollar medical precinct have been unveiled for the North.

Developers from Bellfield Planning Consultants have proposed plans to transform nine Norlane properties to accommodate for a dentist, medical and childcare centres.

An updated planning permit was lodged with the City of Greater Geelong following a prior application submitted over a year ago with an estimated value of $4.5 million dollars.

The proposed subject site neighbours the Princes Highway, North Geelong Bunnings complex and residential properties.

Amendments to the two-storey façade have been detailed with the applicant saying extra consideration has been taken “to be more respectful of the surrounding residential area”.

“The children’s play area on the first floor has been centralised so the building acts as a noise buffer and more light is obtained within the core of the facility,” they said.

Up to 118 children have been accounted for at the childcare centre with operational hours between 6.30am to 7pm from Monday to Friday.

If approved, the medical and dental clinic will operate seven days a week with up to 10 practitioners.

In the original plans, developers proposed two gyms to feature in the area with the updated plans now accommodating for just one smaller facility to make way for a meeting room for the adjoining dentistry.

The updated document has allowed additional space for firefighting facilities and dedicated ambulance bays though acquiring a ninth property on Arunga Avenue.

The proposed facility will be accessible by car, have two operating bus routes within 170 metres of the subject site, as well as nearby off-road bicycle paths along North Shore Road, The Boulevard and Cowies Creek.

Prior to the public notification period, the Melbourne-based developers conducted “multiple” pre-application meetings with a Greater Geelong planning officer.

The current proposal is available online with the city anticipated to make a decision on the proposal after April 10.