New Waurn Ponds commercial plan unveiled

January 4, 2022 BY

The future site of the commercial development. Photo: JAMES TAYLOR.

BIG-NAME fast food outlets, a service station, childcare centre and a gym would all open in the Waurn Ponds shopping precinct under a proposed $14.4 million development.

Taco Bell and Starbucks stores, a new KFC outlet, Night Owl Fuel and the childcare and gym facilities are proposed to make up the six-lot development known as “Grovedale Vilage”.

The site at 179-193 Colac Road, which is at the corner of Rossack Drive near Waurn Ponds Police Station, would add to commercial opportunities in the area through establishing “a mix of necessary uses in a robust location”.

Planners have submitted a multi-use commercial proposal called “Grovedale Village” for planning consideration. Photos: SUPPLIED


The development would also “screen future residential uses from adverse impacts of Colac Road”, planning documents state, with plans also indicating high-density housing is proposed behind the proposed development towards Waurn Ponds Creek.

Economic modelling provided as part of the application predicts the project would deliver a combined $9.4 million in sales yearly once operational in 2024.

It would also create 144 direct jobs, including 73 during construction and 71 ongoing, which would mainly benefit young workers aged 15-24. Multiplier effects relating to supply chains, ancillary businesses and wage spend is modelled to create a further 184 jobs.

Provision of childcare places is also a key selling point of the proposal, with reports indicating the surrounding area is 591 full-time places short of requirement for its population, which is projected to be 595 places by 2026 when other approved projects are operational.

The proposed childcare centre, to be run by Imagine Childcare, would have room for 120 children.

Applicants argue the plan will match the nearby amenity and character of the Waurn Ponds precinct while providing commercial uses of benefit to the local community.

The City of Greater Geelong is advertising plans, with public comment open until January 7.