Next stage of Bellarine DAL still weeks away

omen in Community Life winners (from left) Robyn Davis, Kaz McGlynn, Kylie Clarke, Debbie Fraser and Tenaya Watts with City of Greater Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher. Photo: JAMES TAYLOR
SUBMISSIONS to the latest stage of the Surf Coast Distinctive Area and Landscape (DAL) program closed last week, but people hoping to do the same on the Bellarine will have to wait a
little longer.
Phase 3 of public consultations on the Bellarine DAL will be the release of the draft Statement of Planning Policy, which will include a 50-year vision and land use strategies to better protect the unique features of the Bellarine Peninsula declared area.
It will also designate long-term protected settlement boundaries to provide greater certainty for existing and and future generations.
The Bellarine DAL website states phase 3 public engagement on the draft SPP is expected to occur in early 2021 and would include a written public submissions process.
“We are currently looking at the best way to consult given current social distancing requirements.”
Last week, a spokesperson for Bellarine MP Lisa Neville said they had been advised this was still the case, with the draft SPP to go out for community consultation in March or April.
“The finalisation of the DAL is expected late 2021 as originally timelined.”
The declared area for the Bellarine DAL covers the entire Bellarine Peninsula (including 600 metres seaward of the low water mark) and extends as far west as Moolap, the eastern side of Barwon Heads Road in Armstrong Creek, and Breamlea Road.
After phase 3 is complete, the SPP will be finalised and provided to responsible public entities for endorsement, including the Borough of Queenscliffe and the City of Greater Geelong.
Once endorsed, the SPP will be sent to the Governor in Council for approval.
The Bellarine DAL website notes the location of settlement boundaries is a “key issue of interest to the community of the Bellarine Peninsula”, and the draft SPP will contain more detail.
“Proposed settlement boundaries, including protected settlement boundaries, will be determined following the completion of further technical work and presented in the draft SPP due to be released in the next phase of consultation.”
For more information on the Bellarine DAL, including a discussion paper and a list of frequently asked questions, head to