No reply envelope? You can still vote

If you didn't get a reply envelope like this one in your ballot pack, don't worry - you can still vote.
VOTERS who didn’t get reply envelopes with their council election ballot packs can still cast their vote by mail, according to the Victorian Electoral Commission.
Torquay Ward candidate Amber Potter raised the issue in a post on the Surfcoast Community Notice Board Facebook page on Monday this week.
Surf Coast Shire election manager Noel McPhee said a “small proportion” of ballot packs at every council election arrived without reply envelopes, but voters in the Surf Coast Shire could send their completed ballot paper in an envelope to the Torquay election office. No stamp is needed.
Torquay voters can mail their ballot papers to:
Election Office
Torquay Ward
Reply Paid 92572
Torquay 3228
Winchelsea voters can mail their ballot papers to:
Election Office
Winchelsea Ward
Reply Paid 92573
Torquay 3228
Anglesea voters can mail their ballot papers to:
Election Office
Angelsea Ward
Reply Paid 92568
Torquay 3228.
For more information, phone the Torquay election office on 1300 140 714.