Old Geelong Post Office set for transformation

September 3, 2020 BY

The recently sold former Geelong Post Office.

GEELONG’S former Post Office will undergo a $20 million transformation into an accommodation and hospitality complex.

The City of Greater Geelong council approved the sale of the 130-year building to Batman Management Group Pty Ltd.

City of Greater Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said Batman Management Group’s proposal aligned closely with the city’s objectives.

“Council was seeking a proposal that celebrated the building’s rich history, complemented the wider arts and cultural precinct and encouraged diverse community use. The proposed development meets those aims,” she said.

“This vision for the building highlights its stunning historic features and aims to encourage more people to stay and socialise in central Geelong.”

The Former Geelong Post Office operated from 1891-1994. The city then purchased the site, allowing it to host various community groups until vacated the site in 2018.

The project’s lead architect Tarryn Joyce said the building’s makeover will respect its rich history.

“The primary aim of our proposal is to be respectful to the existing building and allow the original building to reclaim its former grand presence to the street,” Ms Joyce said.

“By re-instating lost heritage features such as the Gheringhap St entry – alongside design moves such as removing the non-heritage 1960’s addition – the proposed new building can be held off the historic building in a sensitive way.

“These moves allow the heritage building to stand alone and hold its true proportion with a

re-framed presentation to the street.”