On the job: Federal Budget aims to drive employment growth

October 8, 2020 BY

The Federal Budget puts $292 million towards the duplication of Barwon Heads Road in Armstrong Creek.

THE Coalition says it is putting jobs and investment at the heart of the latest Federal Budget, including hundreds of millions of dollars towards funding major local projects.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg handed down the 2020-2021 Budget on Tuesday night.
It includes $292 million towards the $365 million duplication of Barwon Heads Road from Settlement Road to Reserve Road. This will include a new bridge over the railway line at Marshall and create 292 jobs.
More than $600 million will be brought into the forward estimates for the accelerated planning and delivery of stage 2 of the Geelong rail duplication between Waurn Ponds and South Geelong, which will create 1,300 direct and indirect jobs as well as faster and more reliable passenger rail services.
Works are expected to start by late 2021.
There will be $208 million towards the $260 million upgrades to the Warrnambool Line to deliver track works to improve the ride quality, reliability and resilience of the line for passenger and freight rail services and ensure it is ready for the introduction of VLocity-class trains, creating 640 jobs.
Elsewhere, other spending includes $7.1 million for environmental restoration of shellfish reefs in Port Philip Bay, including off the Bellarine Peninsula; and a $2.3 billion extension of the Howitzer Defence Project to be based in Geelong.
Victorian Liberal Senator Sarah Henderson said the Budget was “all about jobs” in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
“Whether it’s tax cuts for workers and businesses, infrastructure spending, investment in manufacturing or support for young jobseekers, the Morrison Government stands with the Australian people to do whatever it takes to drive jobs growth and our economic recovery.
“Under the leadership of the Morrison Government, Australia can be incredibly proud of how we have responded to this global pandemic, protecting lives and livelihoods. Victorians, of course, have had it particularly tough.
“Underpinned by our unprecedented economic plan and $314 billion of investment including JobKeeper and JobSeeker, the Federal Budget will support all sectors of the economy at this critical time for our nation.”
She said the Coalition had announced several significant Budget initiatives in the lead-up to Tuesday, including a $1.2 billion wage subsidy to support 100,000 apprentices and trainees, an extension of the First Home Buyer Deposit program, and $105 million in tax relief for 20,000 small businesses.
Corangamite Labor federal member Libby Coker said she appreciated the Coalition taking a “bipartisan approach to funding local infrastructure projects”.
“Both projects will have a positive impact on jobs and cut congestion.
“It’s timely – considering the population boom in the Armstrong Creek growth corridor – that the Barwon Heads road upgrades are brought forward.
“But this Budget falls well short of what we need to create and sustain jobs in our region.”