Outdoor dining options could pop up across municipality

February 11, 2021 BY

The outdoor dining initiative is currently undergoing trial in Ocean Grove but could be picked up elsewhere. Photo: CITY OF GREATER GEELONG

THE outdoor dining initiative introduced to combat COVID-19 restrictions may become a permanent part of Geelong’s restaurant experience.

City of Greater Geelong is now inviting local traders and members of the community to have their say on the proposed trials throughout three hospitality precincts including Pakington, Yarra and Union streets.

In line with the ongoing commitment to social and economic recovery, the city is looking to extend the outdoor dining precincts throughout the municipality.

Last year the city received the support from the Victorian Government’s Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Package to expand the dining options during COVID-19 which are continuing to be trialed in Ocean Grove.

Up to 97 open-air seats have been added to The Terrace as part of the three-month trial which has left the business community split.

Concerns have been raised over the installation of the ‘parklet’ al fresco dining and streetscape activations being situated on the footpath, reducing the walking space for pedestrians with some business owners claiming it has prevented customers from accessing the precinct.

The city has approved more than 50 temporary permits for a new or extended alfresco areas in recent months.

If the trial is approved the city will offer vendors across the three locations access to outdoor furniture, greenery, and additional footpath space.

Councillor and planning portfolio chair, Kylie Gryzbek, said the project is just one of the innovative way’s council has extended its support to businesses during the challenging time.

“Council has developed a detailed range of direct support measures to help businesses, this includes business recovery grants, the waiving of rates and major fees, and tourism and visitor campaigns,” she said.

Cr Gryzbek now welcomes traders to view the concept plans and provide feedback by the February 12 cut-off date.

“The parklet project aims to create an environment that attracts visitors and encourages them to spend time in the precinct; to eat, drink, socialise and shop,” she said.

The concept plans for the trial period have been developed and discussed with stakeholders across the relevant areas.

If approved, the parklets will be installed in March for a three-month trial period before undergoing further review.

The potential for expanding the trial program to other areas is currently be discussed.
To contribute your input head to www.yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au