Phyland quits city

September 5, 2023 BY

Kaarina Phyland began working with the City of Greater Geelong in 2019. Photo: CITY OF GREATER GEELONG

FORMER City of Greater Geelong acting chief executive officer Kaarina Phyland is out the door, with the city announcing her departure earlier today (Tuesday, September 5).

Ms Phyland, who started with the city in 2019 and was previously the city’s executive director of strategy, governance and corporate, served as acting CEO for just over a year.

Her tenure followed the resignation of Martin Cutter in July 2022 and preceded the appointment of new CEO Ali Wastie, who took over the role last week.

In a statement, the city said Ms Phyland “served the community with determination and commitment” and “brought a focus on organisational design, recognising the need to establish high-performing capabilities to manage and respond to the strategic, cultural and performance needs of the organisation”.

“Kaarina has led the City through extraordinary challenges, from protecting frontline jobs and supporting our many essential workers throughout COVID-19, to navigating financial pressures under one of our toughest budgets in recent years,” Geelong mayor Trent Sullivan said.

“I thank Kaarina for her passion and strong leadership and look forward to seeing where her career takes her in future.”

Ms Wastie said Ms Phyland “initiated change that has made our organisation more strategic and working to common rhythms”.

“The city’s Annual Business Planning Cycle, initiated in 2021, ensures that the entire organisation plans together towards common goals – no longer in silos.

“We will keep building on this so that we continue to make better and better decisions for our community, managing our resources in the best ways possible.”

Ms Phyland’s departure comes just over a week after she revealed her thoughts on the city’s financial position on her second-last day as acting CEO, comparing it to “an organisation heading into insolvency” in a post on LinkedIn.