Picnic circles painted in park

October 1, 2020 BY

City of Greater Geelong chief executive Martin Cutter in one of the painted "picnic circles" in Customs Park.

THE City of Greater Geelong council is aiming to promote safe outdoor gatherings at Customs Park by painting “picnic circles” on the grass.

The circles at the Waterfront location are part of the city’s wider Embrace the Space initiative, which encourages people to enjoy the region’s outdoors while adhering to COVID-19 restrictions.

The picnic circles are an idea that has been effectively introduced in parts of the United States. They are spaced two metres apart so groups of people can enjoy a gathering with friends or family within the circles and not have to worry about being too close to others outside their group.

City of Greater Geelong chief executive officer Martin Cutter said the simplicity of method means it could be used more widely depending on its reception.

“This is a quick, inexpensive and creative idea to help protect the health of the community while they’re enjoying themselves in a beautiful outdoor space,” said Mr Cutter.

“If successful at this location, the idea has the potential to be used in other areas of Greater Geelong, particularly once visitors from metropolitan Melbourne eventually return and our open spaces become more crowded.”

In addition to getting people to enjoy the outdoors, the city is also hopeful the circles will encourage visitation to nearby hospitality venues.

The Third Step of regional Victoria’s coronavirus roadmap allows for outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people.