Popular Woolies to reopen in 2025

July 23, 2024 BY
Newcomb Woolworths Reopening

Woolworths Newcomb is no longer open, with renovations putting the store out of action until March 2025. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

A POPULAR supermarket on the Bellarine Highway will be closed for the rest of this year as it undergoes renovations and improvements.

Woolworths Newcomb will not open until 2025, with the supermarket giant confirming the store was now closed to customers.

A Woolworths spokesperson said the store, part of the Newcomb Central Shopping Centre at 71 Bellarine Highway, would open its doors again in March.

“Woolworths Newcomb is currently undergoing a renewal, with work now under way to bring a fresh new look to the store,” the spokesperson said.

“The store will remain closed while extensive construction work takes place, including an upgrade to every department and new undercover spaces for the Direct-to-Boot offering.”

Woolworths shoppers need not look far for alternative shopping arrangements, with Woolworths Bellarine situated at 27/41 Bellarine Highway, just 500m up the road.

The rest of Newcomb Central remains open.