Preparing for summer

September 4, 2021 BY

Dredging is underway to remove sea grass at Eastern beach's swimming enclosure.

DREDGING of the swimming enclosure at Eastern Beach is underway this week to reduce the build-up of sea grass before summer.

City of Greater Geelong deputy mayor Trent Sullivan said the council had tried other methods to reduce the sea grass, which grows easily, over the years.

“The beach reserve has been Geelong’s premier family-friendly destination for more than 80 years so it’s important we keep taking care of it,” Cr Sullivan said.

“This year we’re dredging the top layers of the seabed to try and ensure swimmers can enjoy clearer water this summer.”

The dredging is carried out under an approved Environmental Management Plan to meet National Assessment Guidelines for dredging, and swimming inside the promenade enclosure will be restricted during the dredging project.

Spoil from the works will initially appear grey and have an odour but the smell dissipates, and the sand will change to yellow within a few days of its exposure to air.

The spoil will be covered with clean sand and the project is expected to be completed within two weeks, weather dependent.

The dredging is part of the city’s ongoing work to make improvements to Eastern Beach and follows a major redevelopment of the Beach House pavilion in 2019.

A review of the Conservation Management Plan for Eastern Beach is expected to commence in the coming months.

This will ensure the future use, maintenance and improvements to the facility are in line with the iconic site’s significant Heritage Victoria values.

Coastal process studies have been undertaken by the council to provide sustainable long-term management of the beach.

A Beach Management Plan has already been developed which includes regular surveying and monitoring of seabed and beach levels; sand scraping/recycling and beach nourishment with imported sand; and the current maintenance dredging to ensure safe swimming.

Councillor Peter Murrihy said the work being carried out now to improve the water quality will enhance everyone’s swimming experience at Eastern Beach this summer.