Program to create opportunities for job seekers

May 28, 2020 BY

Reconnect support worker Sarah Bryant with program participant Carlia.

DIVERSITAT’S Reconnect Program is offering job seekers a timely chance to improve their employment prospects.

The state government-funded program is open to people between 17-64 years old who have not completed year 12 or have a Certificate II or above.

Program co-ordinator Adam Fratantaro said a lot of people hax benefited from Diversitat’s guidance.

“Diversitat’s Reconnect Program has been operating in Geelong and Colac for over three years and in that time we’ve worked one-on-one with over 200 participants to explore suitable study pathways to regain employment.

“Put simply, we assist people to get a mentor, get training, to get a job.”

Each participant is assigned a support worker who helps them find an accredited course that best suits their strengths and interests.

Support workers also help participants with any other issues such as mental health, housing, substance abuse or transport. They are presently conversing with participants by telephone to minimise the risks of the coronavirus spreading.

Applications for the program must be submitted by June 30.

People wishing to learn more or sign up for the program can phone 5246 9600 or head to