Proposal for new port authority headquarters in Geelong

August 26, 2021 BY

A NEW Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy proposing that a new Ports Authority is headquartered in Geelong has been released for stakeholder consultation.

A review has concluded “that the most benefit for the State is to be gained by combining the key waterside entities, the Victorian Ports Corporation Melbourne (VPCM) and the Victorian Regional Channels Authority (VRCA), into a single body responsible for waterside access, navigational control and safety in all of the commercial trading ports”.

The review recommends that the new authority has a headquarters in Geelong with operational units at other commercial trading ports.

The proposed headquarters would “provide physical proximity of personnel and decision-making processes to the Port of Geelong”.

The review, which informs the new strategy, “takes the view that, far from weakening Geelong’s position in the ports system, the proposed approach creates the potential for greater influence for Geelong and new opportunities to develop a niche as a centre of maritime expertise in the State”.

“This potential is reinforced by Geelong Port’s successful attraction of the Tasmanian TT-Line business to the port from late 2022 and, post-COVID, the likely growth of cruise-line destinations to the west of the State.”

The review also includes a proposal that the government, in consultation with Melbourne Water and Wyndham City Council, settle and implement an approach to identifying and securing the necessary land for Bay West in the State’s planning system as soon as practicable.

Commercial port operators and industry are encouraged to view the strategy on the government’s engage website and complete a survey by September 30.